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We are everyday women and we are committed to creating confidence for real people within the cosmetic industry. We offer a wide variety of procedures and treatments to give you real, natural and long-lasting results. We offer a complimentary skincare analysis in order to determine your skincare concerns and best treatment options.


Broad Band Light (BBL)is the most advanced and versatile form of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). By using light and thermal energy, numerous skin conditions can be addressed and improved, including: age spots, redness, small vessels, skin tightening, active acne and acne scars, hair reduction, as well as improvement of overall skin luminosity. At Self Beauty, we use Sciton’s BBL HERO- the best of the best!

Photofacial BBL

Treats hyperpigmentation (brown spots), rosacea (redness), vascular lesions, all while improving fine lines and wrinkles and overall skin quality. Look years younger after completing a series of 3-5 as determined by your provider and personal skin goals.

Forever Clear Acne BBL

Thermal energy targets the bacteria that causes acne and diminishes inflammation caused by acne. Treatment also reduces acne scarring. Effective alternative to prescription drugs. Multiple treatments (4-8) will be required as determined by your provider and personal skin goals.



Botulinum toxin (Botox Cosmetic) is an extremely popular injection that temporarily reduces dynamic wrinkles by blocking muscle contraction. The result is a smoother, younger, more refreshed appearance. Effects last approximately 3-4 months.


Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers, consisting of hyaluronic acid (Juvederm Ultra XC, Volbella, Vollure, Voluma and Vollux), are injected into the lips, perioral area or mid-face for lip augmentation in adults 21 years and older. Lip augmentation adds natural appearing fullness to lips whether lips are thinner from aging or if client desires plumper lips. This procedure also smooths fine lines on the lips that contribute to aging. Mid-face filler restores lost volume in the mid-face/cheek area to lift and contour allowing the face to appear younger and increase luminosity. Results vary depending on product used.

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Kybella is deoxycholic acid. It is injected into submental (under chin) area to destroy fat cells and lessen the appearance of a double or full chin allowing for a more defined jaw line and youthful appearance. Kybella treatment package includes 2 sessions, 2 months apart with utilizing a 2 vial dose per session. Dosing and session number is individualized and additional dosing/sessions may be required at an additional cost.


Halo and MOXI Laser Treatment

The Halo and MOXI lasers target the superficial layer of the skin as well as the deeper layers, which treats overall skin tone, texture, pigment, sun damage, acne scars and diminishes large pores. These treatments rejuvenate the skin making it more luminous and supple. Downtime varies on the type of laser used and depends on sensitivity of skin and intensity of treatment. You can wear makeup after 24 hours. Both lasers are products of Sciton Inc.


Microdermabrasion & Microneedling

Microneedling is a non-surgical technique that uses tiny needles to create microscopic channels in the skin. This initiates the body's natural healing process- producing more collagen and elastin. A customized serum is simultaneously infused into the channels. Microneedling improves skin texture, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, and improves overall skin pigmentation.

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Laser Hair Reduction

Laser hair reduction uses a light beam to remove unwanted hair. The thermal energy allows for even heating of the hair follicles and is safe, fast, and efficacious. The intense heat of the light damages the hair follicle, which inhibits future hair growth.

Geneo Glo2Facial

The Glo2Facial is a breakthrough treatment that uses our body's own natural superpowers. Oxfoliation: Oxypods gently exfoliate the skin- creating ideal conditions to nourish the skin from the inside out. Ultrasound waves create micro-vibrations that instantly smooth the skin and increase permeability of the skin's protective layer, enabling better nutrient absorption. A lymphatic massage sculpts the face, delivering instant reduction of redness and puffiness while infusing active ingredients even deeper into the skin. Each treatment is tailored to the client's skin's individual needs.

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Chemical Peels

Medical grade chemical peels use salicylic acid, lactic acid, and/or glycolic acid to remove dead skin cells. The peel removes the outer layer of skin in order to reveal the fresh, newer skin below. Chemical peels improve skin texture, lighten areas of hyperpigmentation, treat fine lines and improves severe to moderate acne.

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VI Peel

The VI Peel is a painless chemical peel that incorporates many different acids and skincare ingredients to give you a more aggressive peel. Depending on your skincare concerns, this peel can help target acne, acne scaring, hyperpigmentation (dark spots), sun damage, aging and helps brighten the skin for a more even tone. Your provider will choose the VI Peel that is best for your skincare needs.



Self Beauty is a licensed distributor of SkinCeuticals and SkinMedica, both medical grade skin care lines. Proper daily skin care prolongs the effects of every other procedure in aesthetic medicine and acts as a foundation from which to build and enhance.